Tag Archives: PacBio

Gearing Up for PAG 2015

San Diego, here we come! We’re getting ready for the annual International Plant and Animal Genome conference, a stellar event that highlights some of the latest and greatest work happening in the agbio realm. PAG is the one conference we … more »

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New PacBio Isoform Sequencing Protocol Recommends SageELF

If you’re performing isoform sequencing on the PacBio platform, check out this protocol. PacBio recommends size fractionation of cDNAs into four pooled fractions using our SageELF. There’s also an optional step in the protocol for larger libraries to use SageELF … more »

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New Look at Complexity in the Human Genome Uses BluePippin for Sizing

We’ve been fans of Evan Eichler’s since the earliest days of his work in segmental duplication and genome hotspots — so it’s great to see that he’s at it again. In this new Nature paper, Eichler and lead author Mark … more »

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PacBio User Meeting: Size Selection for Best Results

Last month we got to attend PacBio’s user group meeting in Palo Alto, Calif. Sage Science co-sponsored the event, as we have in the past, because the PacBio community is doing some extraordinary work with size selection and we’re always … more »

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ASHG 2014: See You in San Diego!

We can’t wait for the annual conference for the American Society of Human Genetics in San Diego this weekend! Five days of back-to-back scientific sessions, 6,500 attendees, countless parties — it’s a great opportunity to geek out on genomics. While … more »

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New Resources: App Notes for Mate-Pair and Long-Read Sequencing with BluePippin

We’ve got some new application notes to share that will be particularly handy for BluePippin customers running mate-pair libraries or sequencing with the Pacific Biosciences platform. Many thanks to our distribution partner, Nippon Genetics, for making this great information available … more »

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Single-molecule sequencing to track plasmid diversity of hospital-associated carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae

September 2014 Authors: Sean Conlan, Pamela J. Thomas, Clayton Deming, Morgan Park, Anna F. Lau, John P. Dekker, Evan S. Snitkin, Tyson A. Clark, Khai Luong, Yi Song, Yu-Chih Tsai, Matthew Boitano, Jyoti Dayal, Shelise Y. Brooks, Brian Schmidt, Alice … more »

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NIH Scientists Report New Findings in Battle Against Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a scary concept, but at least there’s comfort in seeing so many great minds trying to solve the problem. Last week’s announcement that President Obama had issued an executive order for the development of a national plan … more »

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Poster on Full-Length Transcript Sequencing Includes SageELF

We are pleased to report the first customer poster featuring the newest addition to our product lineup, the SageELF whole-sample fractionation tool. “Single Molecule, Real-Time Sequencing of Full-length cDNA Transcripts Uncovers Novel Alternatively Spliced Isoforms” comes from scientists at Pacific … more »

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Evolution of hypervirulence by a MRSA clone through acquisition of a transposable element

July 2014 Authors: Meredith A. Benson, Elizabeth A. Ohneck, Chanelle Ryan, Francis Alonzo III, Hannah Smith, Apurva Narechania, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Sarah W. Satola, Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, Robert Sebra, Gintaras Deikus, Bo Shopsin, Paul J. Planet and Victor J. Torres Info: Scientists … more »

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