Tag Archives: SageELF

At the University of Delaware, Early Adopter Genomics Core Spots New Science Trends

The genomics core facility at the University of Delaware has set itself apart from other service providers by being among the first to adopt new sequencing technologies. The strategy has been a success: today, the facility serves customers around the … more »

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NCSU Scientist Incorporates Genomics for Better Blueberry Resources

Hamid Ashrafi is working to breed higher-quality blueberries that are amenable to mechanical harvest, larger in size, tastier, and have a longer shelf life. As an assistant professor at North Carolina State University, Ashrafi is bringing genomic tools to a … more »

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SageELF Offers Unique Advantages for Long-Range Sequencing and CNV Analysis

We released our SageELF instrument two years ago, and seeing how scientists have adopted it for various NGS pipelines has been a wonderful journey. If you haven’t noticed these great uses, we’ll get you up to speed with this quick … more »

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For PacBio’s Iso-Seq Method, Users Deploy SageELF or BluePippin Size Selection

More and more scientists are using their PacBio systems for transcriptome studies, generating full-length isoforms with the Iso-Seq method. The number of novel transcripts discovered and the implications for alternative splicing are a not-so-subtle reminder that we still have a … more »

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ChIA-PET Study Demonstrates Effect of Genome Folding on Gene Expression

For a recent publication in Cell, scientists used the SageELF whole-sample fractionation platform to perform size selection prior to cDNA sequencing on the PacBio system. The Iso-Seq method allows PacBio users to generate full-length transcripts, and SageELF makes it easier … more »

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Mate-Pair Sequencing Is Having a Moment

Have you been noticing the mate-pair trend? We certainly have. A technique that was once only used by a handful of labs has really come into its own as one of the preferred ways of gathering longer-range genomic data. Here … more »

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A method to simultaneously construct up to 12 differently sized Illumina Nextera long mate pair libraries with reduced DNA input, time, and cost

July 2015 Authors: Darren Heavens, Gonzalo Garcia Accinelli, Bernardo Clavijo, and Matthew Derek Clark Info: Scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre report a protocol using the SageELF to improve library preparation for long mate-pair sequencing. Using a Nextera kit, they … more »

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Scientists Optimize Mate-Pair Sequencing with SageELF

In a Biotechniques paper this month, scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre describe a new method for mate-pair sequencing that saves time and money while decreasing the amount of input DNA required. The method is based on SageELF, which automatically … more »

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Learning About Long Reads: The PacBio User Group Meeting

This week we’re traveling to Baltimore for the annual east coast user group meeting for Pacific Biosciences customers. We’re a sponsor of the event and look forward to the great scientific presentations these meetings have become known for. Click here … more »

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Gearing Up for ASMS 2015

We can’t wait for ASMS, the annual meeting of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. This year, the mega event will be held in St. Louis from May 31st to June 4th and our team will be on the scene … more »

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