Tag Archives: PippinHT

Multi-omics maps of cotton fibre reveal epigenetic basis for staged single-cell differentiation

April 2016 Authors: Maojun Wang, Pengcheng Wang, Lili Tu, Sitao Zhu, Lin Zhang, Zhonghua Li, Qinghua Zhang, Daojun Yuan, and Xianlong Zhang Info: Scientists from Huazhong Agricultural University in China studied the epigenetics of single-cell differentiation in cotton, finding clear … more »

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Evidence for the Dizzying Pace of Progress in Genomics

The genomics field is a funny place: at times it feels like we’re not making progress quickly enough, and at other times things seem to be moving so fast we’re just holding on for dear life. We were reminded of … more »

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At Einstein Med School, ‘Extremely Reproducible’ Pippin Platforms Save Time and Money

In the genetics department at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Research Assistant Professor Alex Maslov is working to understand structural variants associated with aging and cancer. Using human and mouse cells, he deploys whole genome sequencing to make these links. … more »

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PippinHT in the Wild: High-Throughput ChIP-Seq at Whitehead Core Lab

At the Whitehead Institute’s Genome Technology Core, scientists handle a lot of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq projects. To boost capacity in library prep, they recently upgraded from a small fleet of Pippin Prep instruments to the new PippinHT for high-throughput, automated … more »

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Reflecting on ABRF and Experimental Bio: Two Great Events!

This week was a busy and educational one for the Sage Science team — we got to attend both the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities meeting in St. Louis and the Experimental Biology meeting here in Boston. We had booths … more »

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2015: The Year of Long Reads?

We couldn’t help noticing that “long reads” kept popping up in presentations and posters at AGBT, and we certainly weren’t alone. Aside from longtime long-read provider Pacific Biosciences and synthetic long-read service Moleculo, acquired by Illumina in 2012, new companies … more »

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AGBT 2015: You Bring Last Year’s Backpack, We’ll Bring the Popcorn and PippinHT

Next week is the biggest party of the year for the genomics community: the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology meeting. The Sage Science team can’t wait to emerge from our Boston igloos to soak up some much-needed warmth in … more »

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2014 in the Rearview Mirror

The holiday season always triggers some nostalgia, and here at Sage Science headquarters we’re thinking about what a big year 2014 has been for us. We hit some big milestones, including our 1,000th Pippin customer, moving to larger office space … more »

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Sage Science Launches High-Throughput DNA Sizing Platform for NGS Workflow

BEVERLY, Mass. — November 11, 2014 — Sage Science, a developer of life science products for improving sample preparation processes in molecular biology applications, today introduced the PippinHT, a high-throughput version of the popular Pippin line of automated DNA size … more »

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You Asked for It: Pippin Goes High-Throughput!

Welcome to the family, PippinHT. Today we’re proud to be launching the high-throughput version of our automated DNA sizing platform for NGS workflows. PippinHT can run as many as 24 samples at a time, with half the run time of … more »

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