Tag Archives: Illumina

At Einstein Med School, ‘Extremely Reproducible’ Pippin Platforms Save Time and Money

In the genetics department at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Research Assistant Professor Alex Maslov is working to understand structural variants associated with aging and cancer. Using human and mouse cells, he deploys whole genome sequencing to make these links. … more »

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BluePippin Optimized for Illumina’s Moleculo Kit

As Sage Science blog readers know, BluePippin is used throughout the genomics community for size-selecting larger fragments — we’ve gotten lots of attention for how well the tool performs with extremely long reads from the Pacific Biosciences sequencer, for example. … more »

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Genetic mapping of horizontal stripes in Lake Victoria cichlid fishes: benefits and pitfalls of using RAD markers for dense linkage mapping

August 2014 Authors: Frederico Henning, Hyuk Je Lee, Paolo Franchini and Axel Meyer Info: Scientists from the University of Konstanz in Germany use double-digest RADseq to determine the genetic basis for horizontal stripes seen on cichlid fishes. Sequencing was performed … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin for Massively Parallel Genotyping

With so many Sage customers using their Pippin instruments in an Illumina sequencer pipeline, we’re taking a look at various applications enabled by the Sage + Illumina combination. Today we check out double-digest RADseq, which could not work without precise … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin with Nextera

In this blog series, we’ve been looking at how Sage Science customers use their Pippin Prep and BluePippin instruments with their Illumina sequencers. Today we check out the Nextera workflow, which is designed for speedy NGS sample prep. It can … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin for RNA Studies

Illumina sequencers are far and away the most popular platform on the market. Since so many Sage customers use their Pippins with these instruments, we’re taking a look at some of the most common or interesting applications of automated DNA … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin or SageELF for Mate-Pair Sequencing

Most Sage customers use their Pippins with an Illumina workflow, so for the next few weeks we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common or interesting applications of automated DNA sizing with the HiSeq, MiSeq, and even … more »

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Multisubstrate Isotope Labeling and Metagenomic Analysis of Active Soil Bacterial Communities

July 2014 Authors: Y. Verastegui, J. Cheng, K. Engel, D. Kolczynski, S. Mortimer, J. Lavigne, J. Montalibet, T. Romantsov, M. Hall, B. J. McConkey, D. R. Rose, J. J. Tomashek, B. R. Scott, T. C. Charles, J. D. Neufeld Info: … more »

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Methylation-capture and Next-Generation Sequencing of free circulating DNA from human plasma

June 2014 Authors: Kristina Warton, Vita Lin, Tina Navin, Nicola J Armstrong, Warren Kaplan, Kevin Ying, Brian Gloss, Helena Mangs, Shalima S Nair, Neville F Hacker, Robert L Sutherland, Susan J Clark and Goli Samimi1 Info: This study from the … more »

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Discovery of transgene insertion sites by high throughput sequencing of mate pair libraries

May 2014 Authors: Anuj Srivastava, Vivek M Philip, Ian Greenstein, Lucy B Rowe, Mary Barter, Cathleen Lutz and Laura G Reinholdt Info: Jackson Laboratory scientists developed a method to characterize and score transgene insertion sites in mice to help researchers … more »

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