Category Archives: Citation

Ribonuclease Inhibitor 1 regulates erythropoiesis by controlling GATA1 translation

February 2018 Authors: Vijaykumar Chennupati, Diogo Veiga, Kendle Maslowski, Nicola Andina, et al. Info: Scientists studying the ribonuclease inhibitor protein found that it controls translation of GATA1 and thereby regulates erythropoiesis, helping to explain anemia-associated diseases caused by mutations in … more »

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Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) target cancer stem-like cells and suppress tumor organoid formation in colorectal cancer

February 2018 Authors: Shusuke Toden, Preethi Ravindranathan, Jinghua Gu, Jacob Cardenas, Madelaine Yuchang & Ajay Goel Info: Scientists from Baylor University Medical Center studied the chemoprotective role of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, finding that they inhibited cellular proliferation and spurred apoptosis. RNA … more »

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Identification of a precursor processing protease from the spider Cupiennius saleiessential for venom neurotoxin maturation

February 2018 Authors: Nicolas Langenegger, Dominique Koua, Stefan Schürch, Manfred Heller, Wolfgang Nentwig and Lucia Kuhn-Nentwig Info: In this paper, scientists from the University of Bern and collaborators report the identification and purification of a protease that’s an important neurotoxin … more »

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Transcription-associated mutation promotes RNA complexity in highly expressed genes — a major new source of selectable variation

February 2018 Authors: Shengkai Pan, Michael Bruford, Yusong Wang, Zhenzhen Lin, et al. Info: In this project, researchers studied transcriptomes in falcons, mice, and chickens and found that highly expressed genes are more likely to alternatively spliced. They also studied … more »

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Assembly and RNA‐free annotation of highly heterozygous genomes: The case of the thick‐billed murre (Uria lomvia)

January 2018 Authors: Anna Tigano, Timothy Sackton, and Vicki Friesen Info: Researchers at Queen’s University and Harvard teamed up for an effort to assemble the highly heterozygous genome of an arctic colonial seabird. The found that the platanus assembler outperformed … more »

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Genomics of Corynebacterium striatum, an emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen of immunocompromised patients

January 2018 Authors: K. Nudel, X. Zhao, S. Basu, X. Dong, et al. Info: Scientists from Harvard Medical School and other institutions used whole genome sequencing and MALDI/TOF to analyze seven C. striatum infections, all resistant to multiple drugs. They … more »

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Isoform Sequencing and State-of-Art Applications for Unravelling Complexity of Plant Transcriptomes

January 2018 Authors: Dong An, Hieu X. Cao, Changsheng Li, Klaus Humbeck and Wenqin Wang Info: In this paper, researchers offer best practices for using the Iso-Seq method with PacBio sequencing to analyze plant transcriptomes. They recommend BluePippin for size … more »

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Finding Nemo: Hybrid assembly with Oxford Nanopore and Illumina reads greatly improves the Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) genome assembly

January 2018 Authors: Mun Hua Tan, Christopher Austin, Michael Hammer, Yin Peng Lee, Laurence Croft, Han Ming Gan Info: This paper presents the first hybrid genome assembly of Amphiprion ocellaris, the clown anemonefish. The team combined data from Illumina and … more »

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Characterization of plasmids harboring blaCTX-M and blaCMY genes in E. coli from French broilers

January 2018 Authors: Fabrice Touzain, Laetitia Le Devendec, Claire de Boisséson, Sandrine Baron, et al. Info: In this study of avian E. coli collected from slaughterhouses or diseased broilers, scientists analyzed resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. Sequencing was performed with Illumina … more »

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Nemertean and phoronid genomes reveal lophotrochozoan evolution and the origin of bilaterian heads

December 2017 Authors: Yi-Jyun Luo, Miyuki Kanda, Ryo Koyanagi, Kanako Hisata, et al. Info: Scientists from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University and Okayama University in Japan generated draft genomes and transcriptomes of ribbon worms and horseshoe … more »

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