Category Archives: Blog

Pippin Enriches for MicroRNAs in Zebrafish Transcriptome Study

Scientists from the Mayo Clinic, Institute for Systems Biology, and University of Illinois recently published a study investigating the effects of vitamin D on microRNA regulation of gene expression in zebrafish. The team used our Pippin Prep together with the … more »

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Genome Editing Shows Potential for Shrinking Repeat Expansions

Several diseases, many of them involving neurological symptoms, have been linked to expansions of trinucleotide repeat sequences. These repeat expansion disorders include Fragile X syndrome, Huntington’s disease, and various forms of epilepsy and ataxia. In Fragile X, for example, a … more »

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Happy DNA Day!

Here at Sage Science headquarters, we’ll be spending April 25th celebrating DNA Day. If you’re not familiar, the day honors double milestones of the original publication of the structure of DNA in 1953 as well as the ceremonial completion of … more »

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In the Journals: Pippin Publications

We’re pleased to see that the steady stream of publications citing the use of Pippin Prep and BluePippin as our automated DNA size selection tools help more and more users get more accurate and reproducible results. The instruments have been … more »

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The Champion of Ancient Genomics: Sample Prep

A recent article in Nature News delves into the trends behind the rise of ancient genomics and finds that improvements in sample preparation have been essential to scientists’ success in this area. As a team that focuses every day on … more »

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ABRFers Bid Farewell to Albuquerque

From the opening session to the time our team broke down the Sage Science booth to go home, the ABRF conference was a terrific event. We really enjoyed the big data keynote from Phil Bourne and moderated session that followed. … more »

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Cross-Platform Sequencing Studies in the Spotlight at ABRF

It’s day two of the ABRF meeting, and a session comparing next-gen sequencing platforms had attendees riveted. The room was packed for “ABRF Next Generation Sequencing Study,” which featured speakers including George Grills, Don Baldwin, Scott Tighe, Christopher Mason, and … more »

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Live from Albuquerque, It’s Protein Day at ABRF!

The annual ABRF meeting kicked off today, and some of the earliest talks focused on proteomics. The Sage team was glad about that, as our newest product, the SageELF, works with proteins as well as DNA. The conference’s opening keynote … more »

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As ABRF Approaches, Sage Science Honors Core Lab Customers

With the annual ABRF conference rapidly approaching, we wanted to take a moment to thank the many core lab teams who have adopted Pippin instruments for automated DNA size selection. Some of these customers have independently conducted studies of size … more »

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All Aboard for ABRF!

The Sage Science team is gearing up for our favorite core facility meeting: the annual conference of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities. This year the event will be held in sunny Albuquerque, New Mexico, home of the largest hot … more »

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