Tag Archives: Illumina

Crop Science Collaboration Uses Next-Gen Sequencing with Pippin Prep

A collaboration among scientists at Monsanto and Bayer Crop Science has demonstrated the use of next-generation sequencing and a new bioinformatics method for analyzing the genome sequence of crops that have been genetically modified. Lead authors David Kovalic and Carl … more »

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At ASHG, Interest Soars for Advances in Sequencing Technologies

We were thrilled to escape the apocalyptic weather of the northeast for a few days to attend the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting in San Francisco. It’s one of our favorite meetings, and with nearly 7,000 scientists registered, … more »

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Cell Paper Offers New Understanding of Myc Mechanism in Cancer

A big paper came out of Richard Young’s lab at the Whitehead Institute last month in Cell describing the mechanism through which the c-Myc transcription factor causes elevated expression in tumor cells. We were happy to see that the Pippin … more »

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The Use of NexGen Sequencing and Junction Sequence Analysis Bioinformatics to Achieve Molecular Characterization of Crops Improved Through Modern Biotechnology

October 2012 Authors: David Kovalic, Carl Garnaat, Liang Guo, Yongpan Yan, Jeanna Groat, Andre Silvanovich, Lyle Ralston, Mingya Huang, Qing Tian, Allen Christian, Nordine Cheikh, Jerry Hjelle, Stephen Padgette and Gary Bannon Info: Materials and Methods: Illumina TruSeq paired-end library … more »

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Draft Genome Sequence of Flavobacterium sp. Strain F52, Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Maccabi)

October 2012 Authors: Max Kolton, Stefan J. Green, Yael Meller Harel, Noa Sela, Yigal Elad, and Eddie Cytryna Info: A brief report of whole genome sequence of a novel Flavobacterium. The bacterial library was created with the EpiCentre Nextera kit. … more »

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Towards quantitative metagenomics of wild viruses and other ultra-low concentration DNA samples: a rigorous assessment and optimization of the linker amplification method

September 2012 Authors: Melissa B. Duhaime, Li Deng, Bonnie T. Poulos, and Matthew B. Sullivan Info: A study of most reproducible and sample-efficient methods for sequencing meta-genomic samples with very low abundance samples (20 L ocean water ->1 pg to … more »

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Transcriptional Amplification in Tumor Cells with Elevated c-Myc

September 2012 Authors: Charles Y. Lin, Jakob Loven,Peter B. Rahl, Ronald M. Paranal, Christopher B. Burge, James E. Bradner, Tong Ihn Lee, and Richard A. Young Info: This high impact study completely revises knowledge on how c-myc gene is involved … more »

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High depth, whole-genome sequencing of cholera isolates from Haiti and the Dominican Republic

September 2012 Authors: Rachel Sealfon, Stephen Gire, Crystal Ellis, Stephen Calderwood, Firdausi Qadri, Lisa Hensley, Manolis Kellis, Edward T Ryan, Regina C LaRocque, Jason B Harris, Pardis C Sabeti Info: Study performs high-depth NGS on V. cholerae strains from Haiti … more »

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Mapping the Hallmarks of Lung Adenocarcinoma with Massively Parallel Sequencing

September 2012 Authors: Marcin Imielinski et al. Info: A landmark study of lung cancer genomes with 183 tumor/normal genomes compared. Sequencing was carried out mainly by the Broad Illumina Platform (8 Pippins in production). The Pippin Prep is cited in … more »

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For NRC Team, Pippin Platform Leads to Higher-Quality Assemblies

At the DNA Technologies Laboratory at the National Research Council of Canada, scientists are using the Pippin size selection platform to improve the quality of their genome assemblies. Andrew Sharpe, Research Officer and Group Leader of the Saskatoon-based laboratory, got … more »

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