Category Archives: Blog

Q&A: How SageHLS Brings Back the ‘Lost Art’ of HMW DNA Prep

Chris Boles is Chief Scientific Officer of Sage Science, where he’s been helping the R&D team develop the new SageHLS (that’s short for HMW Library System), a platform designed to rapidly purify high molecular weight DNA directly from samples. We … more »

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The Darling of AGBT: HMW DNA

The Sage Science team had a blast at this year’s AGBT conference in Hollywood, Fla. We thoroughly enjoyed the parties, the beach, and especially the excellent talks. We’d like to thank all of the attendees who made their way to … more »

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Calling All Technophiles: Time for AGBT!

The Sage Science team is casting off the shackles of winter and gearing up for a trip to sunny Florida for the annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology meeting. We look forward to this conference each year — it’s … more »

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Podcast: Structural Variation Pioneer Evan Eichler on Moving Toward the Clinic

We’ve been big fans of the structural variation work coming out of Evan Eichler’s University of Washington lab for years, so when he was the subject of a Mendelspod interview, we couldn’t wait to listen. If you missed the podcast, … more »

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RAD-seq, High-Pass Sizing in Sunny San Diego

We are shaking off this northeast winter and heading out to San Diego for the 25th annual International Plant and Animal Genome meeting! This event is always a great way to kick off the year, surrounded by cutting-edge science and … more »

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Farewell to 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, we’re taking a look back to capture some of the highlights of the year before it disappears into the blur of previous years. One of the most exciting advances this year came from the … more »

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HLA Typing Workflow Uses Pippin Prep for Size Selection

We’ve written before about the shift toward NGS-based technologies for the HLA typing market. HLA typing is used for everything from understanding autoimmune and infectious diseases to matching organ transplants to recipients. But the HLA locus really make scientists and … more »

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Moving to the Clinic: Interview with BC Cancer Agency’s Marco Marra

Mendelspod’s recent interview with Marco Marra of the BC Cancer Agency and the University of British Columbia is well worth a listen. In the podcast, Marra describes his team’s use of genome and transcriptome sequencing for patients whose cancer is … more »

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Preprints Galore!

We normally wait until papers come out in scientific journals before reporting on them here, but there are so many great preprints featuring Sage Science tools we couldn’t resist pointing them out. (On a side note, the rising numbers of … more »

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Nanopore Sequencers Give Optimal Results with BluePippin Size Selection

The Oxford Nanopore team has been speaking recently about their use of our BluePippin automated size selection system for optimizing the read length obtained from nanopore sequencers. For anyone interested in the Oxford platforms who hasn’t seen this information, here’s … more »

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