Category Archives: Blog

Illumina Workflow: Pippin or SageELF for Mate-Pair Sequencing

Most Sage customers use their Pippins with an Illumina workflow, so for the next few weeks we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common or interesting applications of automated DNA sizing with the HiSeq, MiSeq, and even … more »

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ASMS in Review: Proteomics and Posters Galore

The Sage Science team headed back to our home base of Beverly, Mass., after four terrific days at the ASMS conference in Baltimore. The scientific content of the show was so good that we didn’t even mind enduring the heat … more »

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At PacBio’s UGM, Top-Tier Science and Praise for BluePippin

It was a pleasure to co-sponsor the Pacific Biosciences user group meeting in Baltimore this week. Based on our participation at the same event last year, we had high expectations for it — but even these were surpassed by the … more »

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ASMS Kicks Off, Honoring Mass Spec Luminary and Showcasing Cutting-Edge Proteomics

ASMS is underway here in Baltimore, Md., and the meeting has been so engaging that we haven’t even sneaked out to try some local crab cakes. The proteomics conference officially kicked off last night with a talk from Jason Kalirai … more »

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Coming to ASMS? Check out SageELF for Proteins

If you’re a proteomics scientist, chances are you may not have heard of Sage Science. We’re a small company aimed at improving sample preparation steps in the life sciences, and in the first several years we focused on DNA size … more »

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Proteomics & Long-Read Sequencing, Together in Baltimore

Next week we’ll be heading south to Baltimore, home of the Orioles and Ravens, for two special events: the annual conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry and the Pacific Biosciences user group meeting. The 62nd annual ASMS, to … more »

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SageELF for Spectral Libraries: An E. coli Example

Timing and proximity can work wonders when it comes to scientific collaborations. As we were first developing the SageELF, a unique protein sample fractionation device, we discovered by chance that it fit perfectly into an initiative spearheaded by Jeff Silva … more »

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Growing Up, Moving Out

Exciting times here at Sage Science — we’re moving! We’ve outgrown our current space and will be heading to offices that provide about 50 percent more room for our sizable team. We won’t even have to learn new commutes, as … more »

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SFAF 2014: Do You Know the Way to Santa Fe?

It seems we just can’t get enough of genomics conferences! This week, Sage Science is proud to be a sponsor of the Sequencing, Finishing, and Analysis in the Future conference hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory (May 28-30). We’ll be … more »

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Microbes in the Spotlight: ASM 2014

Earlier this week, thousands of microbiologists descended on Boston for the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. The Sage Science team was thrilled to be part of the festivities. Many thanks to all of the scientists who visited … more »

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