Category Archives: Blog

Strides in Fighting Cancer, Plus BluePippin in Primetime

It’s not every day you turn on 60 Minutes and see your own product on the screen. In last night’s episode, the news show profiled Los Angeles billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, whose array of companies is tackling everything from data storage … more »

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New Look at Complexity in the Human Genome Uses BluePippin for Sizing

We’ve been fans of Evan Eichler’s since the earliest days of his work in segmental duplication and genome hotspots — so it’s great to see that he’s at it again. In this new Nature paper, Eichler and lead author Mark … more »

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PacBio User Meeting: Size Selection for Best Results

Last month we got to attend PacBio’s user group meeting in Palo Alto, Calif. Sage Science co-sponsored the event, as we have in the past, because the PacBio community is doing some extraordinary work with size selection and we’re always … more »

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You Asked for It: Pippin Goes High-Throughput!

Welcome to the family, PippinHT. Today we’re proud to be launching the high-throughput version of our automated DNA sizing platform for NGS workflows. PippinHT can run as many as 24 samples at a time, with half the run time of … more »

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BluePippin Optimized for Illumina’s Moleculo Kit

As Sage Science blog readers know, BluePippin is used throughout the genomics community for size-selecting larger fragments — we’ve gotten lots of attention for how well the tool performs with extremely long reads from the Pacific Biosciences sequencer, for example. … more »

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7,000 Handshakes Later, We Bid Adieu to ASHG

The Sage Science crew is back in Boston, ready for some much-needed rest after a fun-filled ASHG 2014. We didn’t meet all 7,000+ attendees at the event, but we certainly gave it our best shot! Many thanks to all of … more »

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At ASHG, the Big Picture Is Big Studies

Here at ASHG 2014, we’ve taken a moment to step back and look at the bigger picture for the narrative tying together the top-notch presentations, stellar posters, and frenetic exhibit hall breaks. What we’re seeing is that, several years after … more »

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Dispatches from San Diego: ASHG 2014

The first day of ASHG 2014 has been a whirlwind of great science, engaging talks, and (of course) the inevitable zany environment of the exhibit hall. Attendees are swarming Oxford Nanopore’s booth, where representatives are apparently sequencing samples on-site. Last … more »

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ASHG 2014: See You in San Diego!

We can’t wait for the annual conference for the American Society of Human Genetics in San Diego this weekend! Five days of back-to-back scientific sessions, 6,500 attendees, countless parties — it’s a great opportunity to geek out on genomics. While … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin for Improved Assembly Accuracy

As we’ve seen throughout this blog series, Sage customers are conducting all sorts of great experiments pairing their Pippin size selection instruments with Illumina sequencers. Today we look at the final topic in this thread: boosting assembly accuracy with precise … more »

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