Category Archives: Blog

ASHG 2015: Mega-Scale Genomics in the Inner Harbor

We’re packing our bags for Baltimore, land of crab cakes and this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics. With some 6,500 scientists expected to attend, the conference is one of the largest in the field — … more »

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Podcast: Cornell’s Chris Mason on Sequencing, Subways, and Outer Space

If you’re looking for out-there ideas in genomics, there’s no better place to start than with Chris Mason’s lab at Weill Cornell Medical College. We were delighted that Mason was featured in the latest podcast from Mendelspod and its host … more »

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Churning Out New Microbial Genome Sequences

PacBio users have been regularly serving up new microbial genome assemblies, and we’re glad to see that they’re using our BluePippin automated DNA size selection instrument to get the best results. These are just some of the genome announcements published … more »

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Scientists Optimize Mate-Pair Sequencing with SageELF

In a Biotechniques paper this month, scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre describe a new method for mate-pair sequencing that saves time and money while decreasing the amount of input DNA required. The method is based on SageELF, which automatically … more »

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Hybrid Single-Molecule Approach Produces Highly Contiguous Diploid Human Genome Assembly

A team of scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and other institutions published the first analysis of a diploid human genome produced by combining … more »

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Festival of Genomics: A New Breed of Conference Kicks Off

Last week we attended the first-ever Festival of Genomics, a new series of meetings taking place in Boston, San Mateo, and London. This conference was held in Boston’s biggest convention center, and featured a music festival kind of approach, with … more »

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Sequencing Podcast: Better DNA Extraction Needed for Large-Fragment Libraries

If you haven’t listened yet to the Mendelspod interview with Bobby Sebra from the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology at Mount Sinai, we can’t recommend it highly enough. And that’s not because we happen to be sponsoring this … more »

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Learning About Long Reads: The PacBio User Group Meeting

This week we’re traveling to Baltimore for the annual east coast user group meeting for Pacific Biosciences customers. We’re a sponsor of the event and look forward to the great scientific presentations these meetings have become known for. Click here … more »

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Modified Mate-Pair Protocol Lowers Cost, Boosts Library Yield

Regular readers of the Sage Science blog know that we can never resist a good methods paper. We enjoyed this publication from the phyloinformatics group at RIKEN detailing a modified protocol for generating high-quality mate-pair libraries while significantly reducing costs. … more »

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NGS Technologies Offer Accurate, Affordable Alternative for HLA Typing

We always knew genomics would have a positive impact on healthcare, but as we were dreaming about tailored therapies, targeted cancer treatments, and preventive medicine based on known susceptibilities, there was one area we didn’t think about: HLA typing. It’s … more »

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