Category Archives: Blog

Spotted in the Literature: The First PippinHT Publication!

We began shipping the high-throughput version of our automated Pippin DNA size selection platform last year, and it’s a thrill to see what we believe is the first reference to it in a peer-reviewed publication. A team of scientists from … more »

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Building on a RAD Idea

It’s been a few years since the Hoekstra lab at Harvard first published its double-digest RAD-seq protocol. Since then, the approach has been rapidly adopted by the community for massively parallel genotyping, particularly of non-model organisms, and has been the … more »

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New Publications Ponder the Basics of Life and What Makes Us Human

Two recent papers published in Science are not only landmarks in their fields, but also feature our BluePippin automated DNA size selection platform. We’re honored to be included in these important publications. The first paper, “Design and synthesis of a … more »

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Kick Up Your Heels for DNA Day

It’s that time of year again — the time our kids look at us, shake their heads, and ask, “There’s a day to celebrate DNA? Seriously?” But for those of us in the industry, DNA Day is a big deal. … more »

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Scientists Report Method for Secure Communication Using DNA

It’s a study that would make John le Carré proud. DARPA-funded MIT scientists published results of a new method for encrypting messages in synthetic DNA for highly secure communication. It popped up on our radar because our BluePippin automated size … more »

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New hyRAD Method Expands Use of RAD-seq to Degraded Samples

Since RAD-seq was first developed, we’ve seen a number of new versions and approaches from an enthusiastic scientific community. The latest was recently published in PLoS One and demonstrates a RAD-based method suitable for analyzing degraded DNA, an essential step … more »

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AGBT in Review: Long-Range Data for Better Genome Insight

AGBT is behind us, which means the Sage Science team is officially back to the land of fleece and flannel. We had a great time at the conference and especially enjoyed seeing all the attendees making the most of our … more »

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AGBT: The All-Nighter Parties Haven’t Broken Us Yet

We may be a little bleary-eyed, but so far we’re surviving the Super Bowl of genomics, better known as AGBT. Last night we had a blast co-sponsoring a party out on the golf course with PacBio, and we’re glad so … more »

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All Aboard for AGBT!

We can’t wait for the annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology conference next week, but we have to keep reminding ourselves not to go on autopilot this year. For the first time since the conference began in 2000, AGBT … more »

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ChIA-PET Study Demonstrates Effect of Genome Folding on Gene Expression

For a recent publication in Cell, scientists used the SageELF whole-sample fractionation platform to perform size selection prior to cDNA sequencing on the PacBio system. The Iso-Seq method allows PacBio users to generate full-length transcripts, and SageELF makes it easier … more »

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