Category Archives: Blog

ASHG 2016: Structural Variants, Mega Databases, and the Best-Ever Human Genome

The Sage Science team enjoyed our trip across the border to Canada for the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics this month. Vancouver was practically teeming with genome scientists! Many presentations this year featured results generated by … more »

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Get a Glimpse of the New HLS Instrument at ASHG 2016

The Sage Science team is heading to Vancouver this week for the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics. ASHG is the biggest genomics meeting we attend each year, and it never fails to deliver on its promise … more »

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At the University of Florida, SageELF Delivers Better Sizing for ddRAD-seq and Long-Read Pipelines

Clients of the NextGen DNA Sequencing core at the University of Florida in Gainesville rely on Scientific Director David Moraga Amador to find and validate the best technologies for their projects. In addition to bringing in the best sequencers, that … more »

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Poster: Better Cell-Free DNA Analysis with Pippin + Rubicon Genomics

Recently we blogged about the rise of cell-free DNA studies, and how precise size selection is one tool that can help researchers isolate DNA of interest for further analysis (such as sorting out fetal from maternal genetic material). At the AGBT … more »

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Size Selection Has Utility for Cell-Free DNA Studies

The rise of research studies and diagnostic tests looking at cell-free DNA — particularly fetal DNA in a mother’s bloodstream — has happened with astonishing speed. Prenatal genetic testing, for instance, has already supplanted many invasive clinical tests such as … more »

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Where Illumina Users Gather, Great Science Is on Display

The Sage team is pleased to be sponsoring the slate of upcoming Illumina user group meetings. We’ve attended many of these events over the years, and they’re excellent venues that showcase truly impressive work from the company’s broad customer base. … more »

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At the University of Delaware, Early Adopter Genomics Core Spots New Science Trends

The genomics core facility at the University of Delaware has set itself apart from other service providers by being among the first to adopt new sequencing technologies. The strategy has been a success: today, the facility serves customers around the … more »

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PELE-seq Increases SNP Calling Accuracy by Reducing Sequencing Errors

Scientists at the University of Oregon have published a new method to detect PCR and sequencing errors that should help other researchers track rare SNPs with greater accuracy. PELE-seq, which gets our vote for best new protocol name, can be … more »

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Low-Coverage Sequencing No Challenge for Structural Variant Detection

Is it really possible to detect somatic structural variants accurately from a single sequencing read? A new protocol from scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Voronezh State University in Russia was designed to do … more »

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Sage Sizing Platforms Recommended for 10x Genomics Libraries

We’re pleased to report that 10x Genomics has released a new sample prep protocol for its Chromium platform that includes the BluePippin and PippinHT size selection platforms from Sage Science. 10x Genomics has gotten a lot of attention in recent … more »

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