Category Archives: Blog

Pippin Platform Recommended for Nextera Mate Pair Size Selection

Illumina released new sample prep protocol guidelines for generating mate pair libraries with its Nextera kit, and we’re pleased to report that the Pippin platform is the recommended choice for automated size selection. You can check out the Nextera Mate … more »

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Poster: Exome Sequencing with Ion Torrent and Pippin Prep

In a poster from Ion Torrent (Life Technologies) for 2012’s ASHG, scientists looked at exome sequencing by studying a familial trio on both the PGM™ and the Proton™ instruments. Size selection for both sequencers was performed on the Pippin Prep … more »

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Tag Team: At DFCI, Pippin and Nextera Make Better Libraries

Over at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, scientists have been doing some really interesting work pairing the Pippin Prep with Illumina’s Nextera kit for library preparation. Zach Herbert, associate director of the Molecular Biology Core Facilites at DFCI, says that he … more »

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DNA for Species Identification: A Study of Rodents

Carl Linnaeus would be proud: A recent paper in PLoS One demonstrates the use of next-gen sequencing with genetic barcodes to accurately identify more than 100 different species from the Rodentia order. In the study, amplicons were run on the … more »

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Holiday Greetings from Sage Science

It’s that time of year again — we slow down at work, do some reflection, and gear up for a great (lucky?) ‘13…. In the field of genomics, 2012 was a fascinating year. On the NGS front, placements of desktop … more »

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And Now, a Word from Our Customer Service Department

Here at Sage Science, we are delighted to see more and more people signing up as customers of the Pippin platform. With so many instruments out in the wild, we thought it would be a good time to sit down … more »

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For Low-Input DNA Work, Scientists Recommend Pippin for Best Size Selection

Scientists at the University of Arizona, led by senior author and newly named Moore Foundation Investigator Matthew Sullivan, have published details of how to optimize sample prep methods for next-gen sequencing projects in which input DNA is negligible. As part … more »

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Crop Science Collaboration Uses Next-Gen Sequencing with Pippin Prep

A collaboration among scientists at Monsanto and Bayer Crop Science has demonstrated the use of next-generation sequencing and a new bioinformatics method for analyzing the genome sequence of crops that have been genetically modified. Lead authors David Kovalic and Carl … more »

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At ASHG, Interest Soars for Advances in Sequencing Technologies

We were thrilled to escape the apocalyptic weather of the northeast for a few days to attend the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting in San Francisco. It’s one of our favorite meetings, and with nearly 7,000 scientists registered, … more »

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Cell Paper Offers New Understanding of Myc Mechanism in Cancer

A big paper came out of Richard Young’s lab at the Whitehead Institute last month in Cell describing the mechanism through which the c-Myc transcription factor causes elevated expression in tumor cells. We were happy to see that the Pippin … more »

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