Category Archives: Blog

Cancer Genomics Crowd in Boston for Beyond the Genome Meeting

We’re gearing up for this week’s Beyond the Genome conference, to be held at Harvard Medical School here in Boston. This year’s event, hosted by Genome Medicine and Genome Biology, will focus on cancer genomics, therapies, and bioinformatics. A timely … more »

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New Resources: App Notes for Mate-Pair and Long-Read Sequencing with BluePippin

We’ve got some new application notes to share that will be particularly handy for BluePippin customers running mate-pair libraries or sequencing with the Pacific Biosciences platform. Many thanks to our distribution partner, Nippon Genetics, for making this great information available … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin for Massively Parallel Genotyping

With so many Sage customers using their Pippin instruments in an Illumina sequencer pipeline, we’re taking a look at various applications enabled by the Sage + Illumina combination. Today we check out double-digest RADseq, which could not work without precise … more »

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NIH Scientists Report New Findings in Battle Against Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a scary concept, but at least there’s comfort in seeing so many great minds trying to solve the problem. Last week’s announcement that President Obama had issued an executive order for the development of a national plan … more »

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In Nature Biotech Paper, ABRF Group Reports Cross-Platform RNA-seq Findings

If there’s a group you can count on to do the detailed work of putting instruments through their paces to help scientists perform better science, it’s the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities. In a new Nature Biotechnology paper, the next-gen … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin for ChIP-seq

As we continue our blog series on applications that are frequently used with Pippin size selection and Illumina sequencing, we move on to ChIP-seq. One of the most popular capabilities enabled by next-gen sequencing, ChIP-seq (or chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing) is … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin with Nextera

In this blog series, we’ve been looking at how Sage Science customers use their Pippin Prep and BluePippin instruments with their Illumina sequencers. Today we check out the Nextera workflow, which is designed for speedy NGS sample prep. It can … more »

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1,000th Pippin Customer: Cave Scientist Extraordinaire

At the University of Akron, geology and biology professor Hazel Barton shows her students the ropes. Literally. A veteran caver, Barton combined her passion for exploring some of the most remote locations in the world with her scientific interest in … more »

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Illumina Workflow: Pippin for RNA Studies

Illumina sequencers are far and away the most popular platform on the market. Since so many Sage customers use their Pippins with these instruments, we’re taking a look at some of the most common or interesting applications of automated DNA … more »

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Poster on Full-Length Transcript Sequencing Includes SageELF

We are pleased to report the first customer poster featuring the newest addition to our product lineup, the SageELF whole-sample fractionation tool. “Single Molecule, Real-Time Sequencing of Full-length cDNA Transcripts Uncovers Novel Alternatively Spliced Isoforms” comes from scientists at Pacific … more »

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