We began shipping the high-throughput version of our automated Pippin DNA size selection platform last year, and it’s a thrill to see what we believe is the first reference to it in a peer-reviewed publication.
A team of scientists from Huazhong Agricultural University in China recently published “Multi-omics maps of cotton fibre reveal epigenetic basis for staged single-cell differentiation” in Nucleic Acids Research. In the paper, lead author Maojun Wang and colleagues tracked epigenetic modifications during development of the cotton fiber.
Through extensive testing, they found that one type of methylation increased over time, while a second type of methylation decreased, and that the same changes were not seen in nearby tissue. In addition, “integrated multi-omics analyses revealed that dynamic DNA methylation played a role in the regulation of lipid biosynthesis and spatio-temporal modulation of reactive oxygen species during fibre differentiation,” the scientists report.
They used PippinHT during MNase digestion of chromatin, purifying the digested samples and then size-selecting for 100 bp – 200 bp fragments. Those were later run in MNase-seq and ChIP-seq pipelines on an Illumina HiSeq instrument.
Congrats to the authors of this publication for their very cool epigenetic findings, and also to PippinHT for making it into the scientific literature!