
Genomic resources for the endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers

December 2014

Taylor Callicrate, Rebecca Dikow, James W Thomas, James C Mullikin, Erich D Jarvis, Robert C Fleischer1 and NISC Comparative Sequencing Program

In this BMC Genomics paper, scientists report assembling the genome sequence of Hemignathus virens, a member of the Hawaiian honeycreeper bird family. They identified nearly 4 million SNPs in the genome, as well as some 156,000 SNPs in a RAD tag study of five honeycreeper species that were compared to the reference genome assembly. Paired-end sequencing was perfomed with the MiSeq and HiSeq 2000 after size selection with Pippin Prep.

Callicrate et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:1098

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Computational and Statistical Analyses of Insertional Polymorphic Endogenous Retroviruses in a Non-Model Organism

November 2014

Le Bao, Daniel Elleder, Raunaq Malhotra, Michael DeGiorgio, Theodora Maravegias,
Lindsay Horvath, Laura Carrel, Colin Gillin, Tomáš Hron, Helena Fábryová, David R. Hunter and Mary Poss

Scientists present a computational method for detecting specific integration sites of endogenous retroviruses in a genome, even without the use of a reference genome. They use de novo clustering and statistical models and demonstrate the approach in a study of deer. Pippin Prep sizing was used to narrow the fragment size range to 300-330bp prior to sequencing on the Ion Personal Genome Machine.

Computation 2014, 2, 221-245

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CDK7 Inhibition Suppresses Super-Enhancer-Linked Oncogenic Transcription in MYCN-Driven Cancer

November 2014

Edmond Chipumuro, Eugenio Marco, Camilla L. Christensen, Nicholas Kwiatkowski, Tinghu Zhang,Clark M. Hatheway, Brian J. Abraham, Bandana Sharma, Caleb Yeung, Abigail Altabef, Antonio Perez-Atayde, Kwok-Kin Wong, Guo-Cheng Yuan, Nathanael S. Gray, Richard A. Young, and Rani E. George

Scientists from Harvard and MIT inhibited cyclindependent kinase 7 (CDK7) in neuroblastoma cells and found significant suppression of MYC oncoproteins. In a mouse model, the effect was notable shrinkage of the tumor. Libraries were size-selected for 200 bp to 400 bp using Pippin Prep prior to sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2000.

Cell (2014)

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Resolving the complexity of the human genome using single-molecule sequencing

November 2014

Mark J. P. Chaisson, John Huddleston, Megan Y. Dennis, Peter H. Sudmant, Maika Malig, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Francesca Antonacci, Urvashi Surti, Richard Sandstrom, Matthew Boitano, Jane M. Landolin, John A. Stamatoyannopoulos, Michael W. Hunkapiller, Jonas Korlach & Evan E. Eichler

In this Nature paper, scientists from the University of Washington, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Pittsburgh, and Pacific Biosciences used long-read sequencing to close or shrink 55 percent of gaps remaining in the human reference genome. They detected substantial amounts of structural variation not represented in the current reference. The scientists used BluePippin to prepare 20 Kb and 30 Kb libraries for sequencing (see supplementary info).

Nature (2014)

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Single-molecule sequencing to track plasmid diversity of hospital-associated carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae

September 2014

Sean Conlan, Pamela J. Thomas, Clayton Deming, Morgan Park, Anna F. Lau, John P. Dekker, Evan S. Snitkin, Tyson A. Clark, Khai Luong, Yi Song, Yu-Chih Tsai, Matthew Boitano, Jyoti Dayal, Shelise Y. Brooks, Brian Schmidt, Alice C. Young, James W. Thomas, Gerard G. Bouffard, Robert W. Blakesley, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, James C. Mullikin, Jonas Korlach, David K. Henderson, Karen M. Frank, Tara N. Palmore, Julia A. Segre

NIH scientists studied samples of antibiotic-resistant Enterobacteriaceae collected from patients and a hospital environment. They used the PacBio RS II DNA Sequencing System to analyze and assemble the bacterial genomes, and then traced transmission path based on genomic data. BluePippin was used to remove DNA fragments less than 5 Kb from the PacBio library.

Sci Transl Med 17 September 2014: Vol. 6, Issue 254

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