
Small-seq for single-cell small-RNA sequencing

September 2018

Michael Hagemann-Jensen, Ilgar Abdullayev, Rickard Sandberg and Omid R Faridani

A new protocol from researchers at the Karolinska Institutet and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research outline a method for making small RNA sequencing libraries from a single mammalian cell. The method increases sensitivity compared with other methods by using a oligonucleotides to mask ribosomal RNA rather than using a pulldown strategy. Pippin Prep is recommended to isolated miRNA away from other small RNAs.

Nature Protocols 13, pages2407–2424 (2018)

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Genomic and epidemiological monitoring of yellow fever virus transmission potential

August 2018

N.R. Faria, et al.

A large collaboration between international and Brazilian researchers used a suite of epidemiological, spatial, and genomic approaches to characterize Yellow Fever virus transmission in Brazil. The study potentially establishes a framework for monitoring the disease in real time to prevent future epidemics. Pippin Prep used to size select RNA-seq libraries for paired end Illumina sequencing.

Science 361 (6405), 894-899
doi: 10.1126/science.aat7115

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Highly sensitive detection of mutations in CHO cell recombinant DNA using multi‐parallel single molecule real‐time DNA sequencing

June 2018

Joseph Cartwright, Karin Anderson, Joseph Longworth, Philip Lobb, and David James

To improve the quantitative assessment of recombinant DNA in cell lines, University of Sheffield scientists and collaborators developed a PacBio-based method for high-throughput rDNA sequence analysis. The protocol can sequence 40,000 individual recombinant DNA molecules at once to find point mutations. BluePippin was used for purification prior to sequencing.

Biotechnology and Bioengineering
doi: 10.1002/bit.26561

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A Whole Genome Assembly of the Horn Fly, Haematobia irritans, and Prediction of Genes with Roles in Metabolism and Sex Determination

May 2018

Kranti Konganti, Felix Guerrero, Faye Schilkey, Peter Ngam, et al.

Researchers sequenced, assembled, and annotated the genome of horn fly, a blood-feeding insect that preys on cattle. The 1.14 Gb assembly shows the fly is most closely related to Musca domestica and Drosophila melanogaster. BluePippin was used to size-select mate-pair libraries for genome and transcriptome sequencing using Illumina.

G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics
vol. 8 no. 5 1675-1686

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Assembly and annotation of a draft genome sequence for Glycine latifolia, a perennial wild relative of soybean

April 2018

Qiong Liu, Sungyul Chang, Glen Hartman, and Leslie Domier

At the University of Illinois, scientists sequenced a wild perennial relative of the soybean plant, producing a 939 Mb draft assembly using linked reads from a single library on the 10x Genomics Chromium system. PippinHT was used to target the longest DNA fragments for analysis.

The Plant Journal
doi: 10.1111/tpj.13931

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