Draft Genome Sequence of Flavobacterium sp. Strain F52, Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Maccabi)
October 2012
Max Kolton, Stefan J. Green, Yael Meller Harel, Noa Sela, Yigal Elad, and Eddie Cytryna
A brief report of whole genome sequence of a novel Flavobacterium. The bacterial library was created with the EpiCentre Nextera kit. The resulting library was size-selected using broad range size selection, 400-800 bp, on the Pippin Prep before sequencing.
Journal of Bacteriology p. 5462–5463 October 2012 Volume 194 Number 19
Towards quantitative metagenomics of wild viruses and other ultra-low concentration DNA samples: a rigorous assessment and optimization of the linker amplification method
September 2012
Melissa B. Duhaime, Li Deng, Bonnie T. Poulos, and Matthew B. Sullivan
A study of most reproducible and sample-efficient methods for sequencing meta-genomic samples with very low abundance samples (20 L ocean water ->1 pg to 1 ng DNA). Detailed side-by-side comparison of standard gel isolation, Pippin Prep, and AMPure bead size selections. The Pippin Prep demonstrated the superior efficiency and reproducibility. Materials and methods: Covaris shearing, end-repair and adapter addition, Pippin size-fractionation, enrichment amplification, sequencing (on 454GLX or Illumina Hi-Seq).
Environmental Microbiology (2012) 14(9), 2526–2537
Transcriptional Amplification in Tumor Cells with Elevated c-Myc
September 2012
Charles Y. Lin, Jakob Loven,Peter B. Rahl, Ronald M. Paranal, Christopher B. Burge, James E. Bradner, Tong Ihn Lee, and Richard A. Young
This high impact study completely revises knowledge on how c-myc gene is involved with gene regulation and cancer. Materials and Methods: Pippin Prep was used for preparation of ChIP-seq. Used multiplexed TruSeq v2 kits. IPDNA end-repaired and A tailed, ligated to adapters, enriched by 18 cycles PCR, then size selected on Pippin to obtain 200-400 bp fragments. Sequenced in single read mode 40b reads, Illumina HiSeq 2000.
Cell 151, 56–67, September 28, 2012
High depth, whole-genome sequencing of cholera isolates from Haiti and the Dominican Republic
September 2012
Rachel Sealfon, Stephen Gire, Crystal Ellis, Stephen Calderwood, Firdausi Qadri, Lisa Hensley, Manolis Kellis, Edward T Ryan, Regina C LaRocque, Jason B Harris, Pardis C Sabeti
Study performs high-depth NGS on V. cholerae strains from Haiti and DR, some of which had been previously typed by less-thorough PacBio and Illumina studies. Bacterial DNA was fragmented by nebularization, size selected tight at 200bp on Pippin Prep, then prepared library (end-repair, add adapters, enrich PCR for 15 cycles) and sequenced on Illumina HiSeq.
BMC Genomics 2012, 13:468
Mapping the Hallmarks of Lung Adenocarcinoma with Massively Parallel Sequencing
September 2012
Marcin Imielinski et al.
A landmark study of lung cancer genomes with 183 tumor/normal genomes compared. Sequencing was carried out mainly by the Broad Illumina Platform (8 Pippins in production). The Pippin Prep is cited in whole-genome capture section of supplementary methods: DNA sheared, repaired, adaptors added, size selected by manual gels or by Pippin Prep to 340-510 bp. Libraries sequenced in paired end mode on Illumina HiSeq (2x 100 bp reads).
Cell 150, 1107–1120, September 14, 2012