
A Filtering Method to Generate High Quality Short Reads Using Illumina Paired-End Technology

June 2013

A. Murat Eren, Joseph H. Vineis., Hilary G. Morrison, Mitchell L. Sogin

The authors present a method of library preparation for overlapping paired-end sequencing on the Illumina platform, and improved analysis software, to reduce the error in metagenomic studies using NGS of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. The Pippin Prep was used for DNA size selection.

PLoS ONE 8(6): e66643

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Deciphering the Growth Behaviour of Mycobacterium africanum

May 2013

Florian Gehre, Jacob Otu, Kathryn DeRiemer, Paola Florez de Sessions, Martin L. Hibberd, Wim Mulders, Tumani Corrah, Bouke C. de Jong, Martin Antonio

The Pippin Prep was used to size select libraries prepared with the New England Biolabs NEB Next DNA sample prep kit. DNA was sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2000.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis 7(5): e2220

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Multiplex target capture with double-stranded DNA probes

May 2013

Peidong Shen, Wenyi Wang, Aung-Kyaw Chi, Yu Fan, Ronald W Davis, Curt Scharfe

The authors describe a new method for targeted NGS using double-stranded probes rather than single-stranded ones, improving sensitivity for variant detection, and at a lower cost. The probes consist of single-stranded complimentary long padlock probes (CLPPs), each of which selectively captures one strand of a genomic target through circularization. The Pippin Prep was used to size select libraries for the Illumina MiSeq platform.

Genome Medicine 2013, 5:50

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RESTseq – Efficient Benchtop Population Genomics with RESTriction Fragment SEQuencing

May 2013

Eckart Stolle1, Robin F. A. Moritz

The authors present a new method for SNP analysis in population genomics. The Pippin Prep was used to size select DNA for the Ion Torrent PGM platform .

PLoS ONE 8(5): e63960

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FOXO1 regulates expression of a microRNA cluster on X chromosome

May 2013

Ruchi Singhal, Jonathan E. Bard, Norma J. Nowak, Michael J.Buck, and Eugene S. Kandel

The Pippin Prep was used in size selection with the Illumina TruSeq Small RNA sequencing protocol.

AGING 5(5): 347-356

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