
Placental miR-1301 is dysregulated in early-onset preeclampsia and inversely correlated with maternal circulating leptin

September 2014

M.S. Weedon-Fekjær, Y. Sheng, M. Sugulle, G.M. Johnsen, F. Herse, C.W. Redman, R. Lyle, R. Dechend, A.C. Staff

Scientists from Norway, the UK, and Germany used sequenced small RNAs in placenta from patients with and without preeclampsia to determine whether microRNAs have a regulatory role in this condition. They found that miRNAs may be regulating the leptin gene, which affects both maternal blood pressure and newborn weight percentile. cDNA was size selected using Pippin Prep.


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Evaluation of a Pyrenophora teres f. teres mapping population reveals multiple independent interactions with a region of barley chromosome 6H

August 2014

Rachel A. Shjerve, Justin D. Faris, Robert S. Brueggeman, Changhui Yan, Ya Zhu, Vaidehi Koladia, Timothy L. Friesen

Researchers in North Dakota studied the genetics of virulence in a fungal pathogen that affects barley. They looked for quantitative trait loci, genotyping on the Ion Torrent PGM and size selecting DNA with Pippin Prep.

Fungal Genetics and Biology 70 (2014) 104–112

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Genetic mapping of horizontal stripes in Lake Victoria cichlid fishes: benefits and pitfalls of using RAD markers for dense linkage mapping

August 2014

Frederico Henning, Hyuk Je Lee, Paolo Franchini and Axel Meyer

Scientists from the University of Konstanz in Germany use double-digest RADseq to determine the genetic basis for horizontal stripes seen on cichlid fishes. Sequencing was performed on an Illumina HiSeq2000, and Pippin Prep was used to select DNA fragments from 335 bp to 405 bp.

Molecular Ecology.


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Modified paired end rapid library preparation protocol for 454 GS Junior 8 kb library preparation using Covaris g-tubes and BluePippin electrophoresis

August 2014

Janet Hill, Bonnie Chaban, Jennifer Town, Matthew Links & Tim Dumonceaux

The scientists report a guide for 454 sample prep for paired-end reads. In their method, they eliminate the need for several expensive pieces of lab equipment and use the BluePippin to perform DNA size selection. These adjustments make the process faster and less costly.

Protocol Exchange

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Multisubstrate Isotope Labeling and Metagenomic Analysis of Active Soil Bacterial Communities

July 2014

Y. Verastegui, J. Cheng, K. Engel, D. Kolczynski, S. Mortimer, J. Lavigne, J. Montalibet, T. Romantsov, M. Hall, B. J. McConkey, D. R. Rose, J. J. Tomashek, B. R. Scott, T. C. Charles, J. D. Neufeld

In this study, researchers from the University of Waterloo and Iogen Corporation used functional metagenomics and DNA stable-isotope probing to characterize bacterial communities in soil. They also focused on glycoside hydrolase genes for their value in industrial use. Sequencing was done with Illumina HiSeq and size selection was performed with Pippin Prep to choose fragments between 400 bp and 800 bp.

mBio 5(4): doi:10.1128/mBio.01157-14

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