
EpiRADseq: scalable analysis of genomewide patterns of methylation using next-generation sequencing

August 2015

Drew R. Schield, Matthew R. Walsh, Daren C. Card, Audra L. Andrew, Richard H. Adams and Todd A. Castoe

University of Texas researchers present a new method for quantifying methylation patterns across whole genomes at low cost. EpiRADseq is based on the ddRAD-seq protocol and uses a restriction enzyme that’s sensitive to methylation. DNA sizing is performed with an automated Pippin system.

Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume 7, Issue 1, pages 60–69

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Biomarker discovery: quantification of microRNAs and other small non-coding RNAs using next generation sequencing

July 2015

Juan Pablo Lopez, Alpha Diallo, Cristiana Cruceanu, Laura M. Fiori, Sylvie Laboissiere, Isabelle Guillet, Joelle Fontaine, Jiannis Ragoussis, Vladimir Benes, Gustavo Turecki, and Carl Ernst

Scientists from McGill University and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory evaluated a number of methods used to discover small, noncoding RNAs in an Illumina workflow. As part of the project, they reviewed library prep protocols, including the Pippin Prep.

BMC Medical Genomics 2015, 8:35

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Arterial endothelial methylome: differential DNA methylation in athero-susceptible disturbed flow regions in vivo

July 2015

Yi-Zhou Jiang, Elisabetta Manduchi, Christian J. Stoeckert, and Peter F. Davies

In this paper, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania used complete methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeDIP-seq) to study methylation differences in endothelial cells to find clues about atherosclerosis susceptibility. The team used Pippin Prep to size-select MeDIP libraries prior to Illumina sequencing.

BMC Genomics 2015, 16:506

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A method to simultaneously construct up to 12 differently sized Illumina Nextera long mate pair libraries with reduced DNA input, time, and cost

July 2015

Darren Heavens, Gonzalo Garcia Accinelli, Bernardo Clavijo, and Matthew Derek Clark

Scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre report a protocol using the SageELF to improve library preparation for long mate-pair sequencing. Using a Nextera kit, they show that generating 12 fractions with SageELF saves money and time while requiring less DNA input compared to other gel-based sizing options.

BioTechniques 59:42-45 (July 2015)
DOI: 10.2144/000114310

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Towards allele-level human leucocyte antigens genotyping – assessing two next-generation sequencing platforms: Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine and Illumina MiSeq

June 2015

J. L. Duke, C. Lind, K. Mackiewicz, D. Ferriola, A. Papazoglou, O. Derbeneva, D. Wallace, and D. S. Monos

This publication in the International Journal of Immunogenetics from scientists at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia presents an assessment of the Ion Torrent PGM and Illumina MiSeq for HLA typing as well as detailed workflows for each. DNA sizing for both instruments was performed with Pippin Prep.

DOI: 10.1111/iji.12213

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