Complete telomere-to-telomere de novo assembly of the Plasmodium falciparum genome through long-read (>11 kb), single molecule, real-time sequencing
June 2016
Shruthi Sridhar Vembar, Matthew Seetin, Christine Lambert, Maria Nattestad, Michael C. Schatz, Primo Baybayan, Artur Scherf, and Melissa Laird Smith
Scientists in France and the US used PacBio sequencing to characterize the AT-rich genome of this deadly malaria parasite. Half of all sequence reads were longer than 15.5 Kb, allowing the scientists to produce an assembly with each chromosome fully resolved. They used BluePippin to eliminate fragments smaller than 15 Kb and Pippin Pulse to assess size distribution of sheared DNA.
DNA Res (2016)
doi: 10.1093/dnares/dsw022
A survey of the sorghum transcriptome using single-molecule long reads
June 2016
Salah E. Abdel-Ghany, Michael Hamilton, Jennifer L. Jacobi, Peter Ngam, Nicholas Devitt, Faye Schilkey, Asa Ben-Hur & Anireddy S. N. Reddy
In this publication, scientists from Colorado State University and the National Center for Genome Resources used PacBio sequencing to examine alternative splicing in sorghum. Their transcriptome analysis led to the discovery of thousands of novel splicing events, isoforms, and genes. BluePippin was used to size-select libraries prior to sequencing.
Nature Communications
High-specificity detection of rare alleles with Paired-End Low Error Sequencing (PELE-Seq)
June 2016
Jessica L. Preston, Ariel E. Royall, Melissa A. Randel, Kristin L. Sikkink, Patrick C. Phillips, and Eric A. Johnson
Scientists at the University of Oregon developed a new protocol to reduce sequencing and PCR errors, resulting in more accurate SNP detection even for rare variants. Pippin Prep was used for tight sizing of sequencing libraries prior to paired-end Illumina sequencing.
BMC Genomics 201617:464
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2669-3
Quantitative detection of low-abundance somatic structural variants in normal cells by high-throughput sequencing
June 2016
Wilber Quispe-Tintaya, Tatyana Gorbacheva, Moonsook Lee, Sergei Makhortov, Vasily N Popov, Jan Vijg & Alexander Y Maslov
Scientists report Structural Variant Search, a new method for detecting rare somatic structural variants even with low-coverage sequencing data. The team used PippinHT for automated DNA size selection prior to sequencing with Ion Torrent.
Nature Methods
Long-read sequencing and de novo assembly of a Chinese genome
June 2016
Lingling Shi, Yunfei Guo, Chengliang Dong, John Huddleston, Hui Yang, et al.
Scientists in China and the US analyzed the DNA and RNA of a Chinese individual, using PacBio sequencing and BioNano Genomics maps to produce a high-quality assembly. They report a significant amount of new sequence data and novel gene content, including elements that appear to be specific to the Asian population. The team used BluePippin for size selection prior to genome and transcriptome sequencing with PacBio.
Nature Communications