Reminder: @diagenode / Sage workshop in about 2 hours time: Best practices for #Megaruptor3 and #Pippin for long-read sequencing applications. Register here:
We’re putting on a webinar with @Diagenode! Learn more about DNA shearing and size selection for Long-Read sequencing. Next Thursday (April 25), 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EST / 6:00pm CEST #LongReadSequencing #PacBio #OxfordNanopore Register here:
Check out our new app note with @Diagenode! Best practices when using #Megaruptor3 w/ #PippinHT or #BluePippin. Includes our new Range+T size selection method & tips on getting tight HMW DNA in the 9-30kb range. #PacBio #HiFisequencing #nanopore #genomics
A new application note by the Arizona Genomics Institute’s @UAPacbioServCen led by @dariocopet shows increased @PacBio #HiFi read lengths using a new size selection method with the #PippinHT.
Phased genomic targets from @universal_seq . Very impressive paper! #TELLseq -- linked reads in a tube. Check it out!
#longreads #HLSCATCH #phasedgenomes #NGS #illumina #linkedreads
Here's a rundown of scientific posters from #AGBT23 that featured Sage products. It was, as always, a great meeting!
Check out these #AGBT23 posters that include work with #HLSCATCH: 544 @StanfordBioX (and selected for a talk by Alexander Urban at 11:05), 526 also from Stanford (GiWon Shin et al), and 301 (Gavin Arno et al) @Gavin_Arno @SightResearchUK
Long reads are getting longer – again! | Arizona Genomics Institute
@PacBio @dariocopet @SageSci