Haplotype-resolved Sequencing the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Locus using HLS-CATCH™ Target Enrichment and TELL-Seq™ Linked Read Sequencing
From Universal Sequencing and Sage Science, HLS-CATCH and UST TELL-Seq linked reads are used to Haplotype-resolve the entire MHC complex. The MHC locus was purified as 20X 400kb fragments using the CATCH process.
Accurate Cost-effective Haplotype-resolved Sequencing of Large Targeted Genomic Regions Using HLS-CATCH™ Sample Prep with TELL-Seq™ Library Preparation
From Universal Sequencing and Sage Science, HLS-CATCH and UST TELL-Seq linked reads are used to Diplotype full-length BRCA2 targets from a model Ashkenazi Trio