Haplotype-resolved Sequencing the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Locus using HLS-CATCH™ Target Enrichment and TELL-Seq™ Linked Read Sequencing

From Universal Sequencing and Sage Science, HLS-CATCH and UST TELL-Seq linked reads are used to Haplotype-resolve the entire MHC complex.  The MHC locus was purified as 20X 400kb fragments using the CATCH process.

HMW DNA Size Selection with the HLS2 instrument


The method for DNA size selection for fragment ranges starting around 50 kb and up to 2MB is described

Higher Accuracy “Range + T” Size Selection: BluePippin and PippinHT


A method for higher accuracy size selection on the BluePippin and PippinHT is outlined.   “End” values may be entered in timed mode to account for the fragment size distribution of the input DNA sample.

Accurate Cost-effective Haplotype-resolved Sequencing of Large Targeted Genomic Regions Using HLS-CATCH™ Sample Prep with TELL-Seq™ Library Preparation

From Universal Sequencing and Sage Science, HLS-CATCH and UST TELL-Seq linked reads are used to Diplotype full-length BRCA2 targets from a model Ashkenazi Trio

Targeted Mitochondrial DNA Extraction and Enrichment Using the SageHLS System

A novel approach for enriching mitochondrial DNA for sequence analysis without requiring PCR or gradient centrifugation.

Learn More:  Pippin Family Brochure


Learn More:  HLS-CATCH Target Selection Brochure

Learn More:  SageELF DNA Fractionation Brochure

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