
The Pippin DNA size selection platform consists of an electrophoresis instrument used with pre-cast, disposable, gel cassettes. Using a proprietary branched-channel configuration with switching electrodes, DNA fractions are electro-eluted from agarose into a buffer-filled chamber according to a user-input size range.

For reproducible collections of smaller fragments up to 1.5 kb, the Pippin Prep facilitates the construction of next-gen sequencing libraries for paired-end sequencing, ChIP seq, and preparing templates for emulsion PCR. If the collection of larger fractions is also needed, the BluePippin also provides a higher range of size selection (using pulsed-field electrophoresis) and the ability to automatically collect DNA bands or restriction fragments.


Key Benefits of Automated Preparative Electrophoresis

Time Savings








With just 1-2 minutes of effort per sample, there is a huge improvement over manual prep gels. Samples are collected in buffer, and removed with a standard pipette.


Quality and Consistency

This chart shows a comparison of manual gel libraries vs Pippin libraries for a paired-end sequencing pipeline over a two year period. After switching to the Pippin, a far more reproducible library was provided. In addition, there is no sample cross-contamination and efficient exclusion of adapter-dimers.

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