The SageELF fractionates protein samples for proteomic studies. Featuring a unique electrophoretic design, the platform automatically collects fractions into separate, buffer-filled sample wells. Software predicts the expected fractionation profile and samples are loaded onto a precast gel. After 2-3 hours, simply remove your fractions using a pipette. Here are some FAQs.
Latest Posters from ASMS 2015:
Sage Science and Waters Corporation:
Enhanced Detection of Host-Cell Proteins in Biotherapeutic Preparations using Preparative Electrophoresis Followed by LC –Ion Mobility -MS
Scientific Poster
Reformatted as a 6-page pdf
Cell Signalling Technologies and Sage Science:
Total Protein Profiling Employing a Novel Protein Fraction Method Combined with Tandem Mass Tag Labeling
Scientific Poster
Reformatted as a 6-page pdf
This video describes the SageELF technology:

Download the SageELF brochure.
Check out our blog about our collaboration with CST, Waters, and Gordon college, and the scientific poster we presented at ASMS 2013.